Botox & Injectables

Botox & Injectables

Neurotoxins temporarily help treat fine lines and wrinkles. During a treatment, neurotoxins are injected into the muscle to relax overactive, wrinkle-causing muscles. As a result, facial expressions soften and wrinkles are smoothed or diminished. Neurotoxins are most commonly used to treat forehead creases, crow’s feet, and frown lines.

Botox Xeomin Dysport

Neurotoxins temporarily help treat fine lines and wrinkles. Some of the common areas treated with neurotoxin include crow’s feet, frown lines, laugh lines, and forehead wrinkles. Injections into muscles that lower the eyebrow or corners of the mouth can produce a form of temporary brow lift or lip lift. Neurotoxins can also help to reduce sweating of hands and armpits (hyperhidrosis) and relieve headaches.

$14/Unit | 30 minutes

Botox Lip Flip

The Botox lip flip involves the precise placement of a few units of botox along the upper lip muscle, near the border, to relax and "flip" the lip to make more of the upper lip visible. This creates a fuller, plumper, but natural-appearing upper lip. 

$95 | 30 minutes

Masseter Reduction and Jawline Slimming

A simple yet effective procedure that involves the injection of the neurotoxin into the large masseter muscles to create a slim and more feminine jawline. Helps to treat TMJ disorders, headaches from jaw clenching and jaw tension. Done in a series.

$400 | 30 minutes