Concierge Maintenance


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Self-Administer Injections at Home



What if there was a substance that could turn back time, restore energy, improve athletic performance, boost metabolism, bring back clarity of thought, reverse depression and help curb cravings for alcohol and drugs? NAD+ is that substance! Even better, you can now administer this miracle molecule in the comfort of your home.

NAD+ therapy is an emerging vitamin therapy that is all-natural, holistic, and has shown outstanding results. NAD+ therapy helps to repair the power source in cells (mitochondria), lengthen telomeres (markers of biological age), and gives more power back to your brain.

NAD+ is a coenzyme that powers metabolic processes and impacts a wide variety of systems including digestion, cognition and mental clarity, aging, and overall energy levels. The body naturally produces NAD+, but overall levels of the coenzyme decrease over time, leading to cellular changes that result in age-related pathologies.

NAD+ gives your body the perfect dose of this powerful molecule, restoring your cells to the most optimized level. This coenzyme is truly the fountain of youth.

At Glam, we offer this treatment as an at-home, self-administered subcutaneous injection. We recommend you take 150-300 mg NAD+ for 7 weeks on, and 5 weeks off. Can be repeated as often as needed. You will receive your first shot in the clinic and a tutorial on how to administer at home as a part of your weekly wellness regimen.

7 Week Series: $500


Meet another at-home star! Vitamin B12 is a significant and essential vitamin for the human body. It is an important nutrient that is required for proper red blood cell formation, neurological function, and DNA synthesis. B12 injections help to:

  • Increase energy levels and combat fatigue

  • Speed up metabolism

  • Improve sleep patterns

  • Increase concentration

  • Improve mood

  • Boost the immune system

  • Help with weight loss

10 Week Series: $225

Lipo-Lean Shot

Reduce inches of stubborn fat with a series of quick and easy injections. Enjoy a vitamin boost, metabolism boost, appetite suppression and more energy!

Lipo-Lean Injections are lipotropic dietary supplements that include high-quality ingredients to help your body process and release fat and boost your metabolism. Lipo-Lean is a specialized compound that is administered with tiny needles to permanently dissolve fat. When injected, the fat cells absorb the compound and become hardened and inflamed. This triggers a response by your body to break them down and flush them out using increased liver function. Once flushed from the body, the fat cells can no longer expand with weight gain, leaving only smooth, contoured treatment areas.

Specific helpful vitamins are leucine, chromium, and several B vitamins. Leucine helps curb your appetite and reduce your cravings for snacks between meals. Chromium enhances insulin action, in turn improving the way your body converts glucose to energy. The B vitamins will increase your energy levels.

10 Week Series: $225


If you are looking to detoxify your body and improve your overall health, glutathione injections can help. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant made up of three amino acids: glycine, cysteine, and glutamine.

When injected regularly, glutathione will work to clear the body of toxins and free radicals, leading to an overall boost in your general health. In terms of your skin, glutathione helps get rid of those pesky age spots, wrinkles, sun spots, and acne breakouts, and it also reduces inflammation and irritation to the body. Whether you are young and healthy, or you are older and fighting an illness, glutathione injections can balance out your levels and detoxify your body.

10 Week Series: $225

Lipo-Lean Shot + Glutathione

Get all the energy and metabolism benefits of lipo-lean + the detoxification power of glutathione. For those that want to have it all, this combination is gold.

10 Week Series: $275